Imagine a digital business model for „your“ business model (project). Design it with aknown pattern and formulate it via DVC. Put the DVC-framework of your business model on your website.

Answers for 5 starting questions

  1. What do we want to offer? – There’s a two-step flow: a) we’re offering some simple games time-killers to users, b) we’re offering labelled data to business structures.
  2. What do we want to have? – We want to get an increase in income??
  3. Which problem do we solve for whom? – We try to solve several problems: a) providing simple time-killing games to users, b) these games will be based on the idea to employ users for labeling data – a user plays a simple game which scenario is based on labeling elements (dividing one from another, or categorizing objects, z.B.: dividing cats from dogs, finding and labelling named entities in texts, usw), c) these labeled data can be offered to data-driven companies.
  4. Which processes do we want to map and improve? – We want to improve the process of data-collection??
  5. What services can we offer that will increase the value of another business model? – We can propose the service of labelling data, which probably might increase the value of another business model??


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