Deutsche Bahn DVC Framework

Deutsche Bahn AG (DB AG), commonly known as DB or Die Bahn, is a federally owned mobility and transport group. Primarily focused on railways. The company operates most of the German rail network, handling significant railway traffic within the country.

DB AG is active in the international transport and logistics sector.

Key subsidiaries

  • DB Fernverkehr (responsible for long-distance passenger transport),
  • DB Regio (managing local passenger transport), and
  • DB Cargo (handling rail freight transport).
  • DB BahnBau (construction and maintanance of infrastructure)
Services Provided

Approximately half of DB AG’s total sales come from rail transport, while the other half includes various transport and logistics services.

Furthermore in 2020, passenger transport companies under DB transported 2.9 billion travelers, and DB’s logistics companies moved 213.1 million tons of goods by rail.


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